Monday, 7 November 2011


the film, middle section 110% performance best for a long time, strong music good beat, shots too long, not close-up on face and actions, letting down great performance in the artist, sack and get new person, can crop/split-screen/zoom in, nice beginning Melony in graveyard some shots of gates/flowers/graves. random dog,decide what you want for video (C) video(pass) foundation for an A/B video go and shoot cu-waves, song builds up throughout the song. everything we got, cut into what we got, get close-ups of artist, diff outfit doing same stuff, zoom in cut it in. got adele+k.west can make a single need to create a unity thats not in the song. the black and white to colour creates it - do some more.

We need to find ways to make our music video more interesting and less boring. To achieve this we can put in some fading and split screen sections.

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